Time flew away from me during December and January, so apologies for the lack of posts. It's also been very dark and taking photos has been quite difficult. But I have a flurry of First Carlist War and Napoleonic posts with which to start the new year. It's been a while since I last painted up some Carlist infantry, so here is a battalion from Alava. As you'd expect with an area sympathetic to the Carlist cause, Alava is a province in the Basque country in north-west Spain. It is also one of the provinces that makes Rioja wine. Carlos seems to have recruited at least 6 battalions from Alava, all of which served in the Army of the North.
These are rewarding figures to paint - very quick and easy to do. This brings my Carlist forces to a total of 5 battalions - a pretty poor effort for a project that I started in 2009. But I suppose that's what happens when you're not under the pressure of painting things for particular and/or regular games. I think my camera may now be on its last legs - I find getting things in focus is becoming harder, although that may of course be me rather than the camera!
18 figures. Painted November 2024. Flag by Adolfo Ramos.
Lovely work, the Carlist War figures by the Perries is on of my favourite ranges from them, great figures and you have done them proud.
Beautiful work Giles. The sculpts really have a lot of character and you have brought out the best of them.
Very nice. Good to see you posting again.
An excellent addition to the slow burn project! A range of figures I really wish I had bought, but Phil got in first...
Very nice Carlist troops. My Carlist project was similar, five line but 7 units with a cavalry unit and an artillery battery.
Good to see this addition I was thinking of revisiting a project today so it seemed apt. I've some more BAL and Marines to get back to sometime. You've made a fine looking and useful battalion.
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