7TV as a system breaks down into "genres", each of which have their own sub-rules and terminology. These genres are currently undergoing a bit of a revamp, but historically they were "Spy-Fi" (i.e. classic post-1940s/50s films and TV), "Pulp" (i.e. the 1920s-30s) and "Fantasy". "The 1980s" has recently been added, and I had a lot of fun earlier in the year painting up figures representing the characters from "Die Hard", "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and things like that. I'll post about those when I've taken better photos. One of the scenario packs is called "Vlad's Army", which sees a bunch of German undead under the command of a SS vampire count invade Warminster-on-Sea and so take on the local Home Guard. I painted the Germans earlier in the year, and this is the first batch of Home Guard. If you want "Dad's Army" personality figures, you have a choice of
Foundry and
Warlord. I do like the Paul Hicks sculpts for Warlord, but they are very expensive (£29.50 for 8 figures).

7TV Home Guard "cast members"

The figures here are a mix of "Dad's Army" personalities and generic rank-and-file. These are Perry sculpts, and must be quite old as they are smaller figures than those in the Perry Miniatures ranges: probably more 25mm than 28mm. These are the first proper 28mm WW2 figures I've ever painted (Nazi zombies don't really count...). I used Foundry triads for these figures: the main uniform is "British Uniform Brown 100", the webbing "British Blanco Green 91", the gas mask cover "British Equipment Canvas 90", and the helmet "British Denison Brown 97". These seemed good matches based on the various Ospreys I looked at (and the names of the triads help), although the brown triads don't provide much contrast between the 3 paints. But, in any event, I'm not after 100% historical accuracy - these are designed for ridiculous 7TV fun rather than a meticulously-researched recreation of Operation Sealion. I found these very quick and easy to paint, apart from the faces which on some figures lacked a bit of definition. The hardest face to paint was Corporal Jones, as his glasses are below his eyes and pretty tricky to paint. I think if I'd had another go at these figures, I paint the glasses differently - a lot of painting guides on the internet say "paint them dark blue with a bit of white in the corner", but that's not really how glasses look - I think painting them much lighter is probably more realistic. Anyway, here they are.
This is the first of 3 Home Guard posts, and then I'll have another on the Nazi zombies. I bought all the Foundry Home Guard packs, save for the cycling figures, even thought you don't need this many for the "Vlad's Army" campaign. The final battle sees what's left of the Home Guard holding out in a church, seeing if they can survive until dawn against the zombie onslaught. So I need an English church!
18 figures. Painted October-November 2024.
"Dad's Army" characters
"Don't panic!"