The name I have given to this unit is quite random. I had some Eureka Miniatures "Marbleheaders" left over from when I painted the 14th Continentals three years ago. That unit was in firing line poses and Eureka also make a charging figure. I had a few of these in the leadpile and decided to combine them with figures from the Foundry charging Continentals pack to made another 1776 Continental Army regiment. Due to the Eureka figures' dress of sailors trousers I needed to find a regiment that recruited from coastal communities. Perusing Mollo I found the 6th Continentals which fitted the bill perfectly.....apart from the fact that I'd forgotten that I painted them back in April last year. As I'd already painted a few of the figures by the time I realised this, I needed to find another Massachusetts regiment that was also thought to have been uniformed in brown faced red coats - hence the 12th Continentals. In fact, I didn't look very far as the 12th are illustrated on the same page of Mollo as the 6th.
For the flag I have used one from "Flag Dude", which I understand is based on a flag captured at the battle of Long Island. If correct, the flag seems suitable for a 1776 regiment and in any event I thought the red and yellow colours blended in well with the regiment's uniforms. The Eureka figures are clearly more slender than the Foundry ones; the faces in particular are more angular. But I think the two lines fit well together and I'm pleased to have found a use for the Marbleheader figures beyond the 14th Continentals.
18 figures. Painted November/December 2010. Flag by "Flag Dude".