Tuesday 12 July 2011

A street in New England...

...or is it? Actually, this is the street around the corner from the house which we are hoping to buy. On Saturday we accepted an offer on our place in Wapping, east London, and had an offer accepted on the house we want to buy in Chelmsford (further east, about 1.25 hours' drive from London). This domestic hooray wouldn't merit a post if it wasn't for the fact that the house we are buying (if all goes well) has been built in the "New England style". When I first saw the area I thought "this looks a bit familiar" and I asked the estate agent whether it was just me or had the houses been built with a New England vibe in mind. He replied that indeed this part of the development was supposed to have a New England, clapboard look and that the house we are now buying was built "to the Stockbridge design". I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds pretty American to me.

British readers won't be surprised by anything that happens in Essex, but I like to think that we've managed to buy a house that's almost an AWI house. Even better, my new painting room looks large enough to accommodate a gaming table (as per photos below), which will mean that for the first time I will be able to have a permanent set-up. The road from offer to completion is fraught with difficulties, but we are slowly moving along it and I'll have to ensure I maximise painting time before the move.


  1. Outstanding Giles,
    What a cracking house and potential painting/gaming room. Hope everything goes smooth.

  2. That's a very beautiful looking home Giles and quite fitting for you I think.


  3. Congratulations on the new house and the gaming area. Will Hugo have his own play room so that you do not lose your game room ? (oh the sacrifices we menfolk make for the sake of our families).

    I think that Stockbridge is a town in Massachusetts and of course there are the Stockbridge Indians. Now all you need is a good Windsor chair for your home.


  4. congrats - you have a beautiful new home and an even better hobby room - well done!

  5. Very jealous at the new gaming room! Good luck with the closing stages.

  6. Cor blimey guv'ner - them's nice digs! Little Hugo won't know what to do with himself with all that space - I reckon his dad might though eh?
    Get the painting and gaming den set up pronto - priorities man priorities!

    Seriously, lovely looking place Giles. I hope you and your family enjoy your new home.


  7. Didn't the New England clapboard style originate in Essex in the first place? I think I recall once reading something to that effect.

    Very nice-looking place anyway and good luck with the move.

  8. supurb Giles!!!!

    plenty of room for the amry expansion I see!

    from very cold Goulburn

  9. Wonderful place.Congratulations

  10. Looks great! It's a long time since I lived in Chelmsford - I expect it has recovered by now :-)


  11. It all looks a bit Desperate Housewives to me!

    You'll have to get yourself an American car now!

  12. Excellent choice. A new house is full of potential.

  13. Very nice looking house and future painting room, congratulations.

  14. Great looking place glad to see you are able to post again dispite the upheavel!

  15. Very nice. Chelmsford, Massachusetts is where my Uncle lives. That house would fit in nicely in Massachusetts, Rhode Island or Connecticut easily. Stockbridge is on the South Shore near Cape Cod.

    I hope you enjoy the house greatly and the new neighbors.

  16. I agree with the previous comment that the style is reminiscent of southern New England, but as I live just down the road from Stockbridge, MA I feel it should be noted that Stockbridge is in the Berkshires of Western MA, and was once a "Praying Indian" Town. Those lovely Perry figures of Stockbridge Indians hailed from here. Best wishes on your new home.
