Monday 4 July 2011


...for the lack of posts recently. I've been hit by the joint effect of a very busy period at work and the need to empty the house prior to it being put on the market. That has now happened and each weekend is now spent travelling around Essex looking at houses, so eroding further on painting and posting time. Tidying-up the house led to the decision about what to do with all my painting stuff: do I put it away completely, or have the essentials only, or stand proud and keep everything out? I realised that I could empty the drawers of my desk and stick most of my paints in them - no longer are they standing on the floor and window-sills in a variety of grubby boxes and I'm much happier for it. Most of the lead-pile is now in storage, and much else besides. Sorting through heaps of boxes filled with figures and various bits and bobs was also wuite cathartic. I have found figures that have been half or part-painted for years and I'm going to finish these off over the next few weeks. I once tried to include at least one such figure in each painting batch but that plan didn't survive more than a week or so. This time I will try harder. Anyway, viewers of the house can't mind my residual painting stuff too much since we had out first offer today, and the house only went on the market last Thursday.

Above is a wip shot of the AWI French chasseur unit I am slowly working on. I'm exactly half-way through, with 12 figures completed. This week I'm painting 8 Eureka Revolutionary Wars French figures as chasseur skirmishers. The Gatinois regiment has now been photographed and I'll try to post on that later this week, together with the 15mm stuff. Below are "before and after" photos of my painting desk!

Finally - a big "Happy 4th of July" to all my American friends, followers and readers!


  1. Good luck with your moving project. I've been through that a couple of times and I always find that packing everything away takes twice as much time as I had expected.

    The French are looking good.

  2. The French are coming along splendidly! I must second Fritz's comments on moving. I seem to move about every 1-3 years and oh, is ever such a bother! I don't have the large numbers of painted figs like yourself, but dread it all the same. :-/


  3. Hi Giles,
    Although we are not moving house it sounds like we are going though the same experience with everything hidden away for the moment and trying to keep the essential stuff within arms reach. Hope you move into a nice place with a big old space for painting and your figures (toys!) soon!
    Awe ra best

  4. Good luck with the sale and move it's quite traumatic at times, especially with a "little one" So keep on painting it'll help steady your nerves.


  5. Good luck with the moving Giles! I know how annoying it can be...

    I like how the French look! I cant wait to see them done!

    By the way, thx for the picture of your workspace. I find it very interesting to see how other people organize their space! Just a question; from what I see in the picture you are using Foundry and citadel paints? what about your brushes; citadel?

    anyway great to see more stuff painted from you! Looking forward to seeing more!

  6. Don't forget to take the wall you use for your back drop in your photo sessions!;-)
    Your painting area looks nice and neat now compared to my mess, but luckily I do my painting in an open door cabinet where I can close the doors to hide my disaster.
    Your unit is coming along just great as one would expect.


  7. All the best with the moving. The French unit is looking very good.

  8. Very tidy looking! Good luck with the house hunting,I hope you find one with enough space for a games room.

  9. I keep meaning to tidy up my painting space, yours look so neat I think I might just have to get round to doing mine. I need to make some kind of shelves for the paint though

  10. I don't envy having to move; I certainly dread the day (hopefully long delayed) when I will have to do so.

    The chasseurs look great! It looks like you chose companies from regiments Agenois and Auxerrois, if I'm not mistaken.

  11. And where do the other three of your clones sit to do their painting?

    Good luck with the move I may be in Docklands in the next week or two so we must meet up if work settles down...

  12. Giles
    The House next door here is still up for sale
    Just think of the games we could put on and the wines we could taste and share
    Tell you what I'll make them an offer on your behalf tomorrow!

  13. Can't say I envy you moving house. It was all the books that killed me (removal man "Have you read all these books? Me "Most of them but I did colour in all the pictures") Good look with it.
