Wednesday 2 December 2009

ECW Interlude (6)

This is a pack called "punishment set" from Redoubt Enterprises. I saw it on their stand at SELWG and had one of those "must buy" moments. I didn't know much about Redoubt's range, although I had heard that it is supposed to be compatible with Renegade and Bicorne. The figures match the former, certainly, but they are fair bit larger than Bicorne, particularly the later Bicorne figures which can be smaller than the earlier ones. These figures are about 32mm high; given that they don't wear hats that's pretty big. But if you don't mind the size the Redoubt range is worth investigating as it has lots of tasty vignettes - Scottish camp followers, a court martial set, a dragoon demolition party, forlorn hope figures etc. Many of these figures, like the ones here, have a far wider application than just the ECW.

These were fun and quick to paint. I canvassed ideas on the WD3 Forum as to what sort of things might have been thrown at people in stocks. I recently saw on tv a stocks victim being abused in an episode of "Garrow's Law", a series about an Old Bailey defence lawyer in the early 1790s: this chap was being pelted with tomatoes, eggs, radishes and lettuces before being put out of his misery with a well-aimed stone to the forehead. Dung was a popular suggestion on WD3 so I painted the missile splatter in red for tomatoes and a light/medium brown for dung. I tried to place these so that there would be some "direct hits" and some "near misses", together with some completely "wild misses". I used some red flower scatter to suggest bits of tomatoes lying on the ground. It also seemed probable that missiles would be aimed at the rear of the victims, not just the front, so I added some splatter on the most prominent rear-facing parts. I also added lots of mud and dirt to the clothes and feet....I tried to search the internet to see if anyone still makes life-size stocks; unfortunately Google quickly takes you into more general "punishment" sites which are most definitely not work PC friendly.

On the painting front I've finished another couple of First Carlist War units and am well stuck into a third. I have also started work on another AWI British line regiment, with a backpack motif that I am having a bit of trouble with. The Perries' recent announcement on TMP about forthcoming additions to their AWI range brought a tear to my eye (and if I was pregnant I'm sure would have brought the immediate onset of labour). The news sent me scurrying to my "British Grenadier!" scenario books to see what French regiments I "need"; to which the answer is "lots". So I'm looking forward to getting well stuck in to the AWI again next year.

4 figures. Painted November 2009.


  1. Fantastic ECW+ figures, are they for sale. The Redoubt ECW & French and Indian War miniatures are great lines to work with. I missed the Perry news, wow those Lee figures look like Taleton's British Legion light infantry to me. Thanks Giles for all the great miniatures you post and share with everyone. T. Collins

  2. Very amusing and nicely done Giles.Yes,I saw the perry's going back to their AWI range and I'm delighted!
    In regards to Lee's legion I think I'll stay with the white!


  3. Does British Grenadier have a Battle of Connecticut Farms / Springfield (NJ) scenario? About 50 of Lee's Legion fought here (dismounted)in buff and green. Your Hessian and Anspach Jaegers and Queens Rangers would get quite a workout, as would the Continentals of the New Jersey Brigade (with a fair number of my ancestors among the field and staff).

  4. Poor people, those. :-(
    However, well thought out and nicely painted (if that adverb isn't out of place here).
    Looking forward to your AWI additions as well - and in the long run to your version of the French auxiliaries. I remember the day some years ago I asked the Perrys if they planned sculpting these, and they replied "yes, any time soon". ;-)


  5. Tomatoes give a lovely effect, but how common were they in England at the time? They were only introduced in the 1590s and early views were that they were poisonous so I wouldn't expect to see any.

  6. These are too much fun! I'd have to have them too. Great to put near the village on your battlefield.

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