Monday 7 December 2009

Borbon Regiment - 2nd Battalion

This is the counterpart to the first battalion I did a while ago. I painted the troops in much the same way although I added a couple of battalion-specific touches, such as giving them all white trousers to diffentiate these figures from their sister battalion. The dirt on the trousers was applied using a burnt sienna soft (i.e. non-oil) pastel and then drybrushing with Foundry "Dusky Flesh 6B". I now have 4 regular line battalions for the Isabelinos, and 3 others. I've just finished some national militia and will then call time on the Isabelino side of things for the moment. That said, I have sufficient leftovers of these greatcoated figures to form another battalion, if I buy another command pack, but have no immediate plans on what to use those for. I could do a third battalion for the Borbon Regiment or a single battalion for another line regiment. These are fairly simple figures to paint so I might see if I can whizz them through over Christmas. Otherwise it's on to Carlists now (via the AWI), with their greatcoats and hairy faces.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - these figures are among the very finest 25mm sculpts I've painted. The facial detail is a joy to work with and the poses are terrific - these really are mini-humans marching against wind and rain. The greatcoats and minimal kit make them quick and easy to paint. Collectors of Napoleonic French units might consider adding some of these figures, particularly the ones in the Isabelino caps. The buildings in the background are again by "Tablescape" (they are not on their website but are available at shows and I'm sure an email will produce a response telling you how to buy them).

20 figures. Painted November 2009. Flag by Adolfo Ramos.


  1. Very nice Giles and units wearing trench coats always make the best subjects for a muddy effect.


  2. Those figures have very expressive faces, enhanced by the excellent painting.

    For the dirt, are the pastels oil and dry? If dry, then how do you make them 'stick'?


  3. nice work on the mud and dirt on the pants. I don't model that sort of thing enough. I like the flag for this unit a lot.

  4. Excellent work and it shows that greatcoated figures not only are faster (aka easier) to paint but can also look great!

  5. Nice work Giles on the miniatures. Love the faces.


  6. pardon my ignorance on the subject but are these from the american war of independence or the napoleonic wars

  7. Thanks for the comments!

    Mario, these figures are for the First Carlist War, a Spanish conflict in the 1830s. If you click on the labels at the bottom of the post you can see a list of all the posts featuring this war. At the moment, my "core" periods are the First Carlist War and the AWI.

  8. Wonderful work!
    From the faces to the mud effects. Inspiration is always found on your blog.

  9. Great looking figures as always Giles.I am trying to start a French Napoleonic Army but your work rate makes me just look like a snail.Maybe i should stop looking at your blog!
    Good luck over the coming weeks,our first miniature is due on 1st Jan and i,m getting excited.

  10. Great job on the faces again. They look really tired of all this mess. ;-) Very cool unit, anyway.


  11. Giles - the faces and detail on these figures is some of the best I have seen. They are beautiful figures and the sculpting gives them great animation and super-fine detail but it is your beautifully blended and detailed painting that brings them alive. Both battalions of the Borbon regt are a masterpiece. Quite stunning - and inspirational!

