Saturday 16 August 2008

Whiff of Grapeshot 2008

Last Sunday I paid another visit to the "Firepower" Royal Artillery museum in Woolwich to see the "Whiff of Grapeshot" show. This is a small show, but on this year's evidence it is getting bigger. There were more trade stands and games, the latter being of a pretty high quality. The ability to peruse Dave Thomas' stand without the crush of a show like Salute in itself makes the trip worthwhile. Then of course, you have the museum exhibits themselves, which are of such variety that I can see myself finding something new of interest with each visit. The lads from Tablescape were there this year; my model of the Benjamin Ring house from Brandywine is almost finished, and I paid the deposit on a couple of farm buildings. We also discussed the probable next model, Harvard Church.

I was very impressed with the games on display. A few photos are below; regrettably I can't recall whose games these are, but they are the 15mm Fall of Crete and 25mm Sicily (I think). There seemed to be a WW2 bent in both games and trade goods, not altogether inappropriate given the surroundings I suppose. I was taken with Anglian Miniatures' Spanish Civil War range and Tiger Miniatures' colonial ranges, but purchases were limited to a few packs from Dave Thomas and the latest WSS issues. Unfortunately, a call from work cut short my visit, so I missed Henry Hyde's much-feted Zulu game and the chance to see how all these games developed. This is a show I recommend to anyone in the South London area.

1 comment:

  1. THe Crete game looks like the attack on Maleme, as the gliders landed in the Ravine. Having played a RF scenario of it as Germans and suffered heavily from the landing, I quickly spotted my other problem, the Bofors

