Tuesday 19 August 2008

2nd Pennsylvania

One has to be careful when talking about the 1st and 2nd Pennsylvania Regiments. The 1st Pennsylvania Battalion was raised early in the war and was commanded by Colonel John Bull until January 1776, when Colonel John de Haas took over. This unit then became the 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment of the Pennsylvania Line, Continental Army in October 1776 (not to be confused with the 2st Continental Rifle Regiment which in 1777 morphed into the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment). It is this regiment that is modelled here. Mollo refers to a mention in the Maryland Journal for 18 February 1777 of "a regimental brown coat faced with green...button-holes bound with red." Other sources for the 1775-6 period refer to brown coats faced buff, linen hunting shirts, and blue coats faced white or red. I elected to go with brown coats faced green, as it is more colourful than the others and is a neat combination. For "British Grenadier!" scenarios, the regiment sports 16 figures for Germantown, 20 for Monmouth (in a combined Pennsylvania brigade), and 20 for Brandywine. I know the stars 'n stripes flag will irritate some readers, but hey, it's a nice flag...

I painted this unit because I wanted a smart looking regiment of marching Perry figures. I estimate that I have about 4-5 more American regiments in the leadpile, and Foundry's current 20% off sale is tempting me to buy a couple more packs of standing Continentals (perhaps to paint up as Virginians in their imported French uniforms). But I am finished with American regulars for a while, as it's time to move on to something different. I have been rather remiss at posting updates recently, but painting has continued apace and recently completed figures include Perry civilians, a British 6-pounder limber and Henley's Additional Continental Regt. Pics of those should be up over the course of the next week, but if you want to see a taster, here is a step-by-step of the British limber. I enjoyed painting the horses so much that I am going to start on more wagons and cavalry soon, once I have finished a new American militia unit featuring those rather fun "nervous" Perry figures.

20 figures. Painted July/August 2008. Flag by GMB.


  1. Ah yes,a unit I almost joined! Just a minor note,the 1st PA Bn. wore those small round hats, cocked up on te left side,with those brown faced green coats.
    ad yes,that flag does irritate me! lol!


  2. I have wondered about the flag for quite some time. Finally I found a hint on the internet (http://en.allexperts.com/q/Flags-2191/2nd-Pennsylvania-Regiment-flag.htm), and following the track, came across a Danish site (http://www.krigsspil.dk/download/download_1.html) that shows the regimental colours of the 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment. Well it's just a white flag with a rattlesnake and the wide-spread motto "Don't tread on me"...
