Thursday 1 July 2021

Paraguay: 3rd Infantry

Just a short post today, as this is the third and final of my Kingscarbine Miniatures Paraguayan infantry battalions.  The figures are those as used for the previous two units and are painted in exactly the same way.  I use Citadel paints for the red shirts - "Khorne Red", then "Evil Sunz Scarlet", then "Wild Rider Red".  I'm afraid to say that it's been so long since I last painted AWI British infantry that I can't recall what formulation of red paints I used for those - I think the final highlight was something different, as my earlier AWI British look a bit more orange than these Paraguayans do.  Like the second unit, this one looks more "militia" than "line", although I'm not really sure there was any practical distinction in the war, certainly in the later stages of it.  

With this unit I began to get my "chiripa mojo" and now I really enjoy painting colourful, funky designs, which I expect have no semblance with what these items of clothing actually looked like.  The trumpeter was one of the earlier figures I painted and I didn't really think the uniform through.  I'd read somewhere that command sashes were red - so I gave him a white linen shirt as if you give a figure with a sash a red shirt as well you're just left with an awful lot of red.  But nowadays I'd give him a red shirt and some sort of multi-coloured sash (like a lot of the Perry figures have).  

These are not my last Kingscarbine Paraguayans.  I'm currently painting a unit that utilises various "leftovers" and it has two Kingscarbine command figures with the balance being Perry figures.  They all look fine together.    

20 figures.  Painted October 2020.  Flag by Flags of War.

Obligatory back row chiripa and blanket shot.


  1. Splendid sight those boys and no mistake! Your chiripa mojo' is certainly in top form with them.

    1. Thanks for all your comments, David - much appreciated. Might post some ACW tomorrow!

  2. A fine looking unit, those chiripa colours break up the red mist splendidly.

  3. A lovely looking regiment Giles.

