Tuesday 29 June 2021

Paraguay: 2nd Infantry


This is the second battalion of Paraguayan infantry, again using the older Kingscarbine figures.  The only substantive difference from the 1st battalion is the different officer figure, who here wears a red shirt rather than a dark blue frock coat, and a couple of soldiers wearing white civilian shirts.  I suppose this makes the unit look a bit more like militia than regular army, but in my Paraguayan forces there isn't really any distinction between "line" and "militia".  One of things I've noticed about building Paraguayan units is that you end up with figures in the back row which are wearing the kilt-like "chiripa".  This means the colourful designs on the chiripas are difficult to see when taking photos of the front of the units.  

When I painted the first unit of Paraguayans I didn't really bother with fancy designs on the chiripas, but then Alan Perry put out photos of his figures sporting very colourful chiripas and I thought I'd better up my game a bit.  Also, the Paraguayan figures are all going to look the same, so the chiripa is the only way to add some variety to the overall look of the figures.  So now I make much more of an effort, which means each post will feature photos of the back row of the figures.        

20 figures.  Painted September 2020. Flag by Flags of War.


  1. Another fine body of chaps! The choice of colour mix is very eye catching.

  2. Outstanding brushwork on these; the plaid work particularly impressive.
