Wednesday 25 November 2020

4th Legere Demi-Brigade

 I'll continue posting about the Napoleon in Egypt figures I painted three years ago while I catch up with basing and photographing more recent things.  This is a unit of skirmishers representing the 4th Leger Demi-Brigade.  In the "General de Brigade" scenario book the units appears twice: 30 figures for The Pyramids and 12 skirmishers for the battle of Alexandria on 1 August 1799.  The demi-brigade began the Egyptian campaign consisting of 2 battalions and over 1,000 men and I don't know why the Alexandria scenario only lists 12 figures.  The Osprey "Napoleon's Egyptian Campaigns" provides the coat as: light green with dark brown (crimson) facings with white piping.  As is usual for French Napoleonic light infantry, the trousers are dark blue.  So this unit is a good example of "colour" of this period.   

Incidentally, in this series of Napoleon in Egypt posts, the middle eastern style buildings are by Touching History and the mat is "arid green" from Tiny Wargames.  Not much else to say, really.  The 75th Demi-Brigade are next.

12 figures.  Painted July 2017.


  1. Those have turned out nicely Giles, as is to be expected from your brush of course. Looking forward to seeing more of the project as you catch up on posting.

  2. That's a really nice colour combination and the painting is as superb as ever

  3. These are very smart! A period I have been tempted by but resisted!

  4. Giles...lovely figures. Why the blue trousers. I thought white was universal
