Wednesday 2 November 2016

13e Légère (1)

These are Perry Miniatures French light infantry skirmishers from their 1815 range.  Five are metal figures and chap about to bite his cartridge is from the plastic box set.  He was required because I used one of the figures from the metal pack for my General Bauduin command stand.  The 13e Régiment de Légère  was in Donzelot's 2nd division in the French I Corps.  Therefore, it participated in the initial main French attack on the Allied centre, with Donzelot's division the force that had the first bite at Las Haye Sainte.  In the GdB order of battle, the 13e has two full-strength battalions of 36 figures; so these light infantry represent one voltigeur company in skirmish order.  The bases are the plastic Renedra ones that come in the Perry plastic box.  At some stage I'll get around to painting up the 13e's two battalions, but that's some way off at the moment.

I painted these figures ages ago and then forgot about them.  I'm posting about them now as I'm a bit short of photos of other stuff at the moment.  I have various AWI bits going through the basing process and hopefully I'll catch up and photograph those at the weekend.  This post reminds me that I have a large number of 1815 French staff figures waiting to be based - I keep changing my mind about how to do that.  I also have a half-painted battalion of Perry metal "at rest" line infantry, which I need to finish off.  In terms of what's planned for the balance of 2016, it's going to be all AWI: more Indians from Conquest Miniatures, the King's Royal Regiment of New York (Perry plastic British), another couple of Continental infantry regiments and some odds and ends (and some commission work).  It will be a bit of a stretch to paint everything that's left in my AWI metal leadpile, but I've already made very good progress on that front. 

6 figures.  Painted January 2016.