Sunday 13 March 2016

Eureka Miniatures AWI Cavalry

I've been snowed under at work recently - hence the lack of posts in almost a month.  But today the sun was shining, the boys were pretending to be Jedi Knights out in the garden, and I thought I'd get the troops and camera out.  I've been meaning to set out the cavalry units I've put together using the Eureka Miniatures "Continental" cavalry range for a while, and I was prompted to do so today for two reasons: (1) I've just finished basing Dabney's Virginia Legion, and (2) Eureka are coming to Salute and the last day for show pre-orders is Wednesday.

You don't need much cavalry for the AWI.  One of the features of the period is that there are a lot of units which appear in the scenarios, but (by and large) do so only once or twice.  This is particularly true of American and Loyalist cavalry.  On the Patriot side, the 3rd Continental Dragoons top the list with 6 appearances (with a top strength of 8 figures), while Lee's Legion appear in 5 scenarios (with a top strength of 10).  Other units have fleeting appearances, and a "southern militia" unit of 8 figures will get you through most other scenarios.  But the Eureka range, with its separate hat system and its mix of figures of uniform coats and hunting shirts, can be used to model all those small units of state and militia cavalry that appear in the scenarios.  This is what I've been trying to do over the past couple of years, and have painted up some figures as Loyalists as well.  So here's a chance to see them all out in the open - the individual unit entries are on the Eureka label.   I bought all these figures in two batches, the first in Australia back in 2011, the second at Salute a couple of years later.   I always felt guilty that having raved about these figures when first released, I then didn't really paint them as quickly as I might have done (I had over 50 of them, which seemed quite daunting).  But now they are all finished and I need to buy some more to finish off Pulaski's Legion and more southern militia.  I love these figures and can't recommend them too highly.

Armand's Legion

2nd Continental Dragoons, with Dabney's Virginians behind them

South Carolina militia/dragoons

More South Carolina state/militia troops

Some of the Loyalists - the East Florida Rangers

A trio of hand-made flags.  Dabney's Virginians, on the left, will be in a future post.

They mix fine with Perry/Foundry figures

Coming next - Pulaski's Legion



  1. These are spectacular, including the mounts. The Loyalist southern cavalry are my personal favorites, but the American dragoons in their lovely blue uniforms are a close second.

  2. Very nice work there Giles, and very timely too as I've just bought some extra AWI mounted figures from Perry Miniatures for my AWI games.

  3. Fantastic painting and basing. I have heap of AWI lads in boxes and not painted. I guess I have been a little lazy over the years, but I must get them out and paint them. Your site has been not only a painting guide but also an inspiration.



  4. Excellent exhibition of finely painted miniatures Giles!


  5. Great parade! I will be posting my new unit of 2nd LD at the weekend...
