Saturday 1 August 2015

Current wip

I've fallen behind a bit, I'm afraid - real life, holidays, work etc; the usual excuses.  This photo of what's coming off my painting desk shows what I've been up to and why there's been a lull in posts.  My nod to the Waterloo bicentenary has been to work through my 1815 French lead pile and, in particular, to concentrate on painting up higher command stands for my current French army.  I needed one more brigade commander and a divisional command stand to finish off Bachelu's division from Reille's II Corps.  I already had figures for those, but I thought why not add Reille himself?  And if I'm going to buy the Perry corps commander's pack, why not paint d'Erlon as well given that his corps is what I'm looking at next, having already made a start on the 1st Division of I Corps. Lurking in the leadpile were various ADC and staff figures that I bought years ago for the Salute game but never painted.  So for the past few weeks I've been painting lots of Perry personality figures and other bits and pieces from a variety of sculptors (including a Mameluke band from Gringos40 - that should be finished in a couple of weeks).  I've already based a couple of command standss using Foundry figures - I'm hoping to photograph those either today or tomorrow.   But all the stuff on the photo above is sitting in the "departure lounge" next to my painting desk until I finish everything else, as that's when I will decide how the figures will fit together.  There will be two corps command stands, four division stands and a couple of brigade stands.  And the Mameluke band - every self-respecting Waterloo collection should have one!


  1. They look beautifully done Giles.

  2. They look impressive en masse. I wish that the Twins had finished all of the command groups before the Waterloo anniversary this year.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'll try again! All wargamers know its impossible to have too many Command stands! As always, excellent brushwork Giles!

  5. excellent work! Looking forward to seeing them completed!

    By the way, it looks like you don't glue your figures to any form of base for painting. Am I right?
