Friday 3 July 2015

Mahdist artillery

I'd completely forgotten about this little piece, which I painted a few months ago.  It's from the
Perries' Sudan range and is a captured Egyptian gun and crew pressed into Mahdist service. As you can see, there are 3 Egyptians and a rather aggressive overseer.  I assumed the Egyptians would be dressed in dirty white or off-white clothes, and I added a bit of variation in the colour of the shirts and trousers.  I also used some brown and yellow pastel powder to suggest sand, dirt and sweat.  Researching the colour of the gun was quite difficult.  Some sources suggested bare metal while others showed painted dark grey.  I've gone for the latter.  

The Sudan is one of those periods that I keep meaning to turn some serious attention to.  I have a mini-leadpile containing British infantry, hussars and naval types and from time to time I get the urge to paint some of them.  I based my Hadendowah, which I painted back in 2007/8 on large Gilder-style bases, which I sort of regret now as most ofthe rules I've looked at (such as "Black Powder") use smaller bases.  So at some stage I'll probably rebase these, which might be tricky given that I think I used greenstuff to glue the figures to the bases.  A couple of photos of the other pieces in my Sudan collection are shown below.  The buildings in the background are by Touching History.  Back in the days when Paul Darnell was still making stuff I bought a load of these Sudanese/Middle Eastern style dwellings together with a Mahdist fort.  
4 figures. Painted March 2015.


  1. Super stuff, Giles. Don't rebase them, in fact put the Brits on bigger bases too, they will look the part. BP is so flexible it does n't matter and AGD requires large bases if you try that!

  2. I really like these, fantastic.


  3. Don't rebase your figures!

    There is no reason why you can't use the figure basing for any set of rules other than for a skirmish level game. Besides, the Gilder Sudan rules have been updated and republished as The Sands of Sudan, by Carl Pagano


  4. Absolutely superb! I just love the chap cowering from the swing club, it really is a great piece.

  5. Very nice work Giles! I didn't know the Sudan interested you. I too have toyed with the idea of starting.


  6. More Sudan! They look fantastic. I must do some more!

  7. Lovely! I'd second the comments above re. AGD and Sands of the Desert.. No need to rebase.. :-)

  8. The look lovely Giles, do you have to rebate the,? Bases look ace! Love that photo between the 2 gunners to the crouching 1!

  9. The look lovely Giles, do you have to rebate the,? Bases look ace! Love that photo between the 2 gunners to the crouching 1!

  10. Hi Giles,

    These do look quite wonderful mate and it would be a shame to rebase them...the buildings look wonderful as well.

  11. Fantastic collection. This period is one of my favourites to read and to game. FAntastic work once again

  12. In BP a unit is a unit. The sizes of the individual stands is irrelevant.
