Thursday 19 February 2015

Eight year anniversary

Hmm, so some time in early January this blog passed its eighth birthday.  I did draft a post but it then vanished.  Anyway, what a disaster 2014 was from a blogging perspective - even worse than the highly unimpressive 2013.  Despite all the good intentions and promises of regular updates, it just didn't happen.  I'm not sure precisely why - probably a combination of various things.  I was in New Zealand for most of January and then experienced a total loss of mojo upon my return.  Painting time has now slowed to a trickle, being whatever I can snatch in the evenings and the odd 30 minutes here and there during the weekend.  How I miss the days before children, when I'd get up at 6am at the weekend and then paint for 3 hours before the Kiwi woke up and asked me to bring her breakfast!  There was a hiatus in July when my mother-in-law died and the Kiwi had to return to NZ by herself for over 2 weeks, leaving me in sole charge of the boys.  Then September to December was an awful time at work - as with January-March, I barely picked up a paint brush during that period.  So I'm not sorry to see the back of 2014, to be honest.

So "must try harder" is the comment on this year's end of term report.  The fact that it is not mid-February is not encouraging, but I'm aware that I've sat on this post for a while and I'm sensing a return to form.  I'm grateful to all readers who have stuck with this blog - I'm certain that 2015 will be better.  It can't not be, actually, since I have 5 posts' worth of material waiting to go already!  In terms of painting, the year's tally is:

- AWI: 184 infantry (including commission work for Bill Nevins);
- Napoleonics: 27 men, 3 horses and 1 post carriage;
- Other: 17 infantry.

So the total in "points" is 232; lower than last year's tally of 305 and much lower than 2008's total of 468!The "other" refers to some old Darkest Africa figures I repaired and tarted up over the summer and my Christmas project, which was to paint various things for the New Zealand Wars.  I've painted 4 packs of those figures already and want to do a couple more - then I might have a second "New Zealand Week".  On the left are some Maori figures I need to finish basing and you can see some Royal Navy types at the top of this post.  Also currently being based and/or finished off are AWI militia, another regiment of Continental Line, Isabelino infantry for the First Carlist War, some cows, Napoleonic French chasseurs, "Darkest Africa" natives and Stonewall Jackson.  That eclectic mix is the result of  trying to finish off lots of half-painted stuff that's been lying around my desk, sometimes for over a couple of years.  Finishing off Stonewall Jackson will give me an excuse to revisit all the ACW figures I painted a few years ago and never bothered posting about - "ACW Week" was always about to happen but then didn't.

Hmm...who are these chaps?

Hey ho.  Sometimes I wonder whether it's time to wind this place up, but I'm going to make an effort to make up for last year.  And if that proves to be another empty promise, well it probably is then time to let others take the torch forward!


  1. Just take it slow on the painting and blogging and enjoy having kids

    All the best


  2. Very many congratulations, that's quite a milestone.

  3. 7 years older than the Yarkshire Gamer !, keep up the good work Giles always inspirational.

    Cheers, Ken

  4. I agree with Will, enjoy your children. They grow faster than you realize. We raised three sons and are now enjoying six grandchildren.
    Congratulations on your blog anniversary.

  5. Many congratulations - and at the risk of overloading the camel, I agree with Will and Paul: The hobby will always be there, the kids are going to grow faster than you can imagine, so enjoy them while you can!

  6. I think any post on your fantastic blog is great. If we have to wait a while then that's not a problem. You have always been an inspiration to us all. I would not have so many AWI figures if it were not for you. Enjoy the kids and their growing up. The hobby will always be there.

  7. Being a wretched colonist, and being that we've already had to fight a couple of wars against you lot. If you wrap up this blog it could be cause for a third more limited Of course, I have no idea how we'd enforce our peace terms which would require you to keep blogging.

    Since you've always seemed a most reasonable fellow, you'll enjoy your kids, and remember to drop us an entry every so often as to not forget us completely.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Congratulations Giles and hang in there. 2014 wasn't a stellar year for me either and 2015 so far has started even worse with my mojo pretty low. My situation is similar to yours with work,children, blog, mojo issues, but it will work itself out.


  10. Good to see your troops again Giles, past 2 years vanished in a flash for myself to with last year hardly painting. I'm trying hard to stick to a modest plan, I wish you well with your painting endeavours this year!!!

  11. Thanks for all your kind comments, chaps!

  12. Hi Giles. Congratulations on the anniversary.

    I think the blogging of a lot of us has dropped off for similar (work & family) reasons! Keep plugging away though. My 2015 is looking up at the moment with a big push to finish armies off for Salute. But I also know April at work is going to be even more hellish than the last 6 months so painting time is never guaranteed...

  13. No need to apologise - real life is more important and your work is well worth following for. Just keep at it at whatever pace you fancy.

  14. KBO Giles! Its the only way!

  15. It was your blog that got me blogging! One of the (if not the) classiest on the blogosphere!

    Still twice as many figures as I managed in 2014 and I had a good year!

    Yes, appreciate your children while they are young before they turn into a monster, weight-lifting obsessed rower and a pole dancing instructor and trapeze artist (like mine.
