Friday 20 December 2013

No more posts for a while...

...because we fly off to New Zealand later tonight.  Our first time with both children and it's not looking good.  Monty's decided to come down with a virus or stomach bug, which means regular nappy changes and constant screaming.  Nice.  Hugo, I suspect, will want off the airplane about 20 minutes into the flight.  I don't think he'll like being told there's another 27 hours to go.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who follows and comments on this blog.  I'm very aware that I'd been bad of late at leaving reciprocal comments on other blogs - I do look at them, honest!  I'll make a much bigger effort in the new year.  Above is a picture of "Project X", which I'll post about when I return.  It features my two wargaming NZ pals who live in the same city as my in-laws, so I get to meet them every time we visit.  On the left is "Valleyboy" and on the right "Captain Chook" from the WD3 forum.  People who know these excellent chaps will, I hope, recognise something of them in these figures.

A very happy Christmas to all.


  1. Nice painting and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  2. Have a realy nice trip! I hope everything turn out good with your children.
    Looking forward to project x...
    Merry christmas and a happy new year!
    Best regards Michael

  3. Good luck on your trip Giles. Being able to see some of the WD3 crew will make the long trip worthwhile. Have a Merry Christmas.


  4. I hope it works out for you, traveling with sick kids is hard. As a NZer, I hope you enjoy your time here. Just don't buy any GW products, as they will be twice as expensive.

  5. I don't envy you the flight but at least you end up in a fine place. Christmas drink in the New Year?

  6. Holy cow, 27 hours...

    With two kids and one down with a virus? You and the wife are Titans. Twenty minutes into a two hour car ride with a sick kid and I want to get out...

  7. My wife and I raised three boys and trips were always an adventure.

    Merry Christmas.

  8. Have a great time Giles.
    Merry Christmas,

  9. Have a great trip Giles and hope the little ones settle and don't make it too hellish! :)

    And love the figures! Though I'm not sure VB is quite that tall! ;)


  10. cheeky bloody Northerner Andy
    I might not be as tall but I am at least twice as handsome

  11. Have a great trip, enjoy your christmas and all the best for 2014 to you and yours

