Tuesday 27 August 2013

Camp Frenchmen (5)

I had forgotten about this pair of figures, which I think comes with one of the other Eureka Miniatures Revolutionary camp vignette sets.  Sometimes I do wonder what goes through the minds of Eureka and/or their sculptors when I see the things they bring out.  For these two pillow-fighting ladies I continued the theme of painting the hussar-ish jackets in the sky blue and yellow of Lauzun's Legion.  I couldn't actually think of any alternative, as I don't think that the British Army had hussar cavalry units in the 1770s - no doubt someone will correct me if this is not correct.  I did think about doing a "Mrs Loring" vignette by adding a suitable officer figure to represent General Howe, but that sounded a bit silly and putting Mrs Loring into a hussar dolman and garters was stretching things a bit too far, I thought.  So instead we have a couple of "camp followers" for my AWI French army and maybe also some entertainment for my original 1815 camp Frenchmen.  I wasn't sure whether the "garters" on one of the women were supposed to be the tops of stockings; I decided the latter were too tricky to paint, anyway.  They are both brunettes because I thought blonde hair wouldn't look right with the yellow collars and cuffs (snigger) and I've never liked painting black hair (because I just think it looks a bit dull on 25mm figures).  No doubt one or both of these ladies resembles one of Legatus Hedlius' many special friends...

Nothing else to say on these, so perhaps a brief run-down on what's currently on the painting desk: final AWI highlander figures for Bill Nevins (I'll post some more pics of the 42nd Foot in a day or two); AWI northern militia; AWI southern militia; 3rd Chasseurs of the Guard for 1815; more Great Paraguayan War; ACW Bull Run Virginians; the Irish Legion of 1819 (another wave to the Legatus!).  I'm waiting for various figures to be released and/or purchased before all those units will be completed, but this list makes 7 units on the go at once.  I've also just received a parcel from Messrs Perry containing lots of AWI goodies, which should keep me going until Christmas. 

2 figures.  Painted August 2013.


  1. Not seen this one! I must get it but I think that I'd have two different regiments fighting it out! On a historical authenticity point the garters are quite high up their thighs. Stockings in this period were short (to just above the knee) and only went up to mid thigh and higher with the shorter dresses of the nineteen twenties, of course

  2. Very lovely little diorama Giles! I wish I could get some Eureka figures, but the P&P makes the figures crazy expensive!


  3. Uhmmmm.... Okay.... Are those two ladies having a pillow fight?

  4. Unusal and so lovely! A great vignette!

  5. Oooh I say!!!! These look fun!

  6. I can't help thinking those young ladies should be precariously balanced on a log over a steam, so that should they take a good hit all will be revealed.....

    Perhaps it is that kind of musing that leads to this sort of figures being made!

    But they look great as is - and usable for any period really - perhaps as a floor show in a house of ill repute?

  7. Very nice Giles! These young ladies are 'in the best possible taste!'

  8. I'll be certain to show this to my girlfriend, she loves a good pillow fight (oh, and she's French too) :O)


  9. The Legatus likes his women to kiss and make up afterwards!
