Sunday 16 June 2013

AWI Highlanders (7)

Here are some more pictures of highlanders from the King's Mountain Miniatures range.  I've posted about the firing line figures.  These chaps are "charging".  There are 4 variants (I think) and one of the casualty figures in the last photos looks as if it could well be used in a charging or advancing unit.  So not as many different figures as for the firing line, which to me is where the strength of this range lies.  But highlanders did a lot of charging, so these figures are apposite.  I painted this commission batch of the 71st all in tartan trews.  The positions of the legs makes this quite difficult, and I realised this morning, when I finished them off, that some of the black hatching across the green checks didn't quite match up.  I'll just have to hope that Bill doesn't notice... 

It's good news that the King's Mountain range is going to be made generally available.  Last year, when they were first released, it looked as if Bill had cast a limited run after which they would no longer be for sale.  That seemed a great shame at the time, and I'm delighted that these figures will continue to be available.  Anyway, here are some photos of the charging figures:




  1. Cool. Might be the incentive to get that Highland regiment out there I promised a long time ago…

    Expert paintjob again, Giles!

    Cheers, SG

  2. These are a superb advert for the Kings Mountain Range.
    Wonderful painting Giles.
