Monday 25 March 2013

French line foot artillery (5)

This is the last French line artillery 6-pounder crew I painted recently, the Perry pack in greatcoats.  The Perry French range now gives you artillery crews in service dress, shirt-sleeve campaign dress and greatcoats.  I wonder the extent to which all 3 "uniforms" were worn in the same battery.  Anyway, these are nice figures, very easy to paint.  To recap on the greatcoat colours: for French Napoloenic light infantry and artillerymen, i.e. those who wear dark blue coats and trousers, I use the Foundry palette "French Blue 65" with a final highlight of Foundry "Deep Blue 25B".

I still have several more Napoleonic units to blog about, but I've called time on painting Naps and am returning to the AWI.  I had hoped to be able to post about the new Perry plastic AWI British infantry, but unfortunately I've been beasted at work recently and haven't had much time to paint the 4 trial figures I've assembled.  I should have 4 trial figures finished in a few days and will reserve written judgment until then. 

4 figures. Painted January 2013.


  1. Fantastic collection of French Napoleonic Artillery, I will have to get bank into Napoleonics again soon I think

  2. Stunning work Giles !!!

    Best regards Michael

  3. Yet again lovely painting Giles!


  4. Superb painting on the crew and gun once again Giles.
    Also love the ivy growing up the wall on the building in the background.
    I have somehow managed to resist the temptation of buying the Perry plastic AWI until Salute (just)but I am really looking forward to seeing what you have done with these and your views.

  5. They look real fine! Great work!
