Monday 15 October 2012

Carlist Artillery (2)

Here's another Carlist artillery piece I painted earlier in the year and completely forgot about.  This is a French-made 6-pounder, with crew painted in the "regulation" Carlist artillery uniform of grey frock-coats with black collars, turqui trousers and turqui beret with yellow roundel and black tassel.  Some sources indicate that this uniform was adopted later in the war, from 1837 onwards.  I'm not too fussed, really - you don't need much artillery for the Carlists so I'm happy to mix and match different uniforms.  The gun was painted in my standard woodwork combo of Foundry's "Spearshaft 13" palette.  For turqui, a blue that was used extensively by both sides, I use Foundry's "Deep Blue 20".

A quick word on what I'm currently doing.  "American Civil War week" is awaiting completion of the final couple of vignettes, principally a Stonewall Jackson command stand. I've finished a couple of units of cavalry for the First Carlist War and some 1815 brigade command stands, all of which are currently being based.  I'm currently painting the last few figures for a unit of 1815 French legere skirmishers and some AWI cavalry.  In fact, I'm going through a cavalry phase at the moment - 33 horses and riders painted over the past couple of months - and I'm happy to keep that going.  This means that I'm going to be spending the next few weeks on more AWI.  Given that the Perries have just released lots more photos of their forthcoming plastic AWI British infantry, I'm hopeful that these will be released early next year and I want to clear the AWI decks a bit prior to their arrival.  Those decks include: several American cavalry units; some more British line infantry; Brunswickers; French.  In the short term, however, I'm going to concentrate on the variouos Eureka Miniatures packs I bought at Salute: cavalry and French camp vignettes.  In terms of posts, I have some French Foreign Legion and a full Isabelino "parade" to come before the cavalry make an appearance. 

Four figures.  Painted February 2012.   Buildings in the background by Touching History/Paul Darnell.


  1. Great looking artillery piece Giles!

    I'm looking forward to seeing your latest forthcoming ACW units and stands.

    Like you I pay try and paint up some of my AWI in preparation for the new Perry release.


  2. Cracking figures and love the woodwork on the gun.

  3. Fantastic work Giles. Very impressive.

  4. Very nice. The hats with the great coats make for a very unique look. I can see why you like this period so much.

  5. Very nice looking arty Giles !

    Glad to see that you get some time over to painting even then the family have got bigger,

    Best regards Michael (Father of two and still time to paint:))

  6. Super work, as ever, Giles. I like your mix and match attitude too ~ far too many anal gamers out there who forget we are playing games with toy soldiers.

  7. Your Carlist War collection is progressing nicely with another lovely piece.
    Likewise, seeing more pictures of the plastic AWI has spurred me on to get back into this period. Look forward to seeing more of your AWI.

  8. Brilliant stuff! Maybe it's time I did another artillery piece!

  9. Another lovely little piece Giles - next to your AWI, the Carlists are some of your best stuff - can't wait until your Isabellino parade!

