Friday 9 December 2011


I've had the 5th KGL Line ready for photographing for a couple of weeks but the light here has been awful. Hopefully soon I'll be able to take some photos this weekend. In the meantime, here are some wip photos of what I'm working on now - the 3rd Ligne for 1815. I've said in previous French infantry posts that I feel the Perry plastic box lacks moustached head variants for grenadiers and voltiguers. Sometimes I'm a bit dim, and the solution only occurred to me recently - just sculpt some moustaches onto centre company heads. What caused this epiphany? Two things - (1) working on the Perry plastic Prussians I read how for fusilier figures you'd need to paint on moutaches; in 25 mm I think moustaches really need to be sculpted on, otherwise you have a look halfway between Eroll Flynn and Hitler. (2) I worked on these figures last month and I was inspired by the "Movember" movement at work to add some moustaches. For those who don't know, the Movember movement is designed to increase awareness of men's health issues. To show support you grow a moustache. This was all the rage in the office, but I declined to grow one myself. (I have grown facial hair in the past and it was awful. I recall our dog Lucy being rather wary of me when I had a beard.)

Anyway, here are photos of the original heads and the converted heads side by side, with a couple of extras. It's odd how facial hair completely changes a face...


  1. Dammit Giles! I was expecting a picture of YOU suitably mustachioed!

    Lovely painting anyway! :)


  2. Good work Giles. Nice painting too.

  3. Lovely painitng on those! Must try to add a 'tache or two myself.


  4. Look good Giles gives a more campaign look to the faces!

  5. Superb! They really look the part.

  6. Sorry about the light Giles, but they still look great!


  7. A suitably hirsute and unwashed look just right for on campaign - the 'Marie Louises' perhaps envying the 'grognards' mo-growing abilities? Lovely stuff Giles - good to see a few of your French again.


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