Monday 24 October 2011

Still here...

...but very busy dealing with our house move. We now reside in north Chelmsford, Essex and today was my first day back in the office since the move. Despite having had a week and a half off work, I haven't picked up any brushes for the past 2 weeks and in fact only found my brushes again last night! Unpacking is taking much effort and work on "my room" has now halted until I have various bookcases and shelves fixed to the walls. Hugo is in a new nursery and refusing to settle - his daily cries of "no, mummy, no" when dropped off in the morning are very sad to hear; hopefully he will be better after a couple of weeks. This morning's commute took an hour and three quarters in total, but then I took the wrong train and got confused when changing onto the Underground at Stratford. Anyway, at least the stress of the house sale and purchase is over (that stress being caused almost entirely by our buyers, whose unreasonable and, quite frankly, dishonest behaviour was appalling) and, more importantly, all my wine survived the move! Hopefully normal blogging service will be resumed shortly. In the meantime, here are a couple of photos of what's next. Also, I haven't had any internet access for the past 2 weeks whilst at home, so apologies for not viewing/commenting on readers' own sites during that period.


  1. Really nice figures Giles,
    I feel your pain. I have been off a few days too and have no time to paint due to house stuff. Fingers crossed we will be back in full flow soon!

  2. Glad to see you posting again Giles and the figures look great of course!


  3. I'm sure everything will be back to normal pretty soon!!
    Great looking figures, very nicely painted!

  4. Buying and selling houses certainly brings out the best in people! However, it's behind you now, so that's out of the way. Master Hugo will settle down pretty quickly. Youngsters are remarkably resilient, so, although it's far from pleasant leaving him at the moment, he'll be fine. Been there done that etc.

  5. Giles to hear the wine made it through ok!

    I remember having the same issue with my own son cried every day for a week heart breaking at the time but a week or two into it he was fine.

    Just getting into the Napoleonics myself so good to see some pics of these.

    Best wishes

  6. But does Hugo want to leave when collected? Both my daughters started off not wanting to stay and then not wanting to leave before they settled down to the routine.


  7. Glad you're in and getting settled. Hugo will be fine. My three year old still kicks off when dropped off and he's been at a nursery he likes for over two years! They tell us he stops crying within a few minutes. It's just him asserting his power over you and making you fgeel guilty for leaving him!
    He'll be fine!

  8. Gikes, sorry to hear of your troubles. As others have said , the wee guy will be fine soon enough and now that the shifting hassles are over you can get back to normal. Great photos BTW.

  9. Moving house, what a nightmare! Couldn't bear to do it now as we all have so much stuff. I think that it will have to be another extension!

  10. Buying and selling houses certainly brings out the best in people! However, it's behind you now, so that's out of the way. Master Hugo will settle down pretty quickly. I like your blogger.
