Saturday 26 February 2011

No more posts for a while...

...because it's that time of the year when we head off to New Zealand to catch up with friends and family. This trip is particularly needed as the whole country has been affected by the disaster in Christchurch, and the Kiwi is feeling very far from home at the moment. All of our friends in the city are safe but there are very few New Zealanders who won't know someone affected by what has happened.

I'm sorry about the lack of posts over the past couple of weeks. Real life has intervened and I didn't manage to finish off a report on the Freeman's Farm game that Eclaireur and I played last December. That game was undertaken ostensibly for us to take photos for the forthcoming second edition of Eclaireur's "British Grenadier!" rules, although I confess that we got carried away with the game and probably didn't take as many photos as we should have done! Anyhow, the photos above show current wip - the French Gatinois regiment for the AWI and my first Old Guard unit for 1815 (specifically the 4th Regiment of Chasseurs). I have also been finishing off and basing some of my Dixon ACW figures, a large number of which I painted in the summer of 2000. Those will appear when I return in March.

We are spending a week in New Zealand, mainly in Auckland and then on the west coast of North Island where we will be attending a wedding in Taranaki. We then head off for 2 weeks in Melbourne, where the Kiwi's sister lives. For me that will involve a meeting with the Eureka Miniatures mob and visits to as many of the surrounding wineries as I can fit in. We then head off to the countryside for more wineries and the opportunity for Hugo to run around in the sun. The poor chap has seen very little sunshine over the past few months and feeling green grass beneath his feet will also be a novel experience for him.


  1. Hi Giles

    Hope your family in NZ are all OK. I see you're also going to Melbourne etc. Any plans to travel further north - say beautiful & picturesque Canberra with its terrific War Memorial? If you do intend to send us an email - a guided tour & even a game can be arranged! (We have some nice wines here too!)


  2. Have a good trip Giles - remember to tell us all about the new gioodies that Eureka have planned!

  3. Have a great holiday, it's a long way to go for a bit of sun and wine!


  4. I wish you a very nice trip and enjoy the sun and wine.


  5. The events in NZ certainly put things into things into perspective. Have a good trip and allow the rest of us to try and catch up – painting-wise.


  6. I was quite worried about your lack of postings lately, because of the horrible events in NZ. Good to hear that at least your close family isn't affected.

    Wish you all the best!


  7. Have a nice trip Giles,
    Will miss you posts.
    All the best to family and friends in NZ.

  8. Hope your trip goes well. Nice to see another AWI unit on the way --Gatinois is looking sharp!

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