Wednesday 28 October 2009

Madrid Provincial Regiment

As well as the regular army, the Isabelino forces could draw on provincial and national militia units. I will deal with the latter in due course. The provincial regiments formed the long-established nationwide militia. They seem to have been organised on a city-by-city basis and some 42 regiments existed in total. The regiments had the usual mix of centre and flank companies, but the cazadore and grenadier troops were assigned to form the Royal Guard. Consequently, the regiments were much smaller than their regular line counterparts and so my provincial militia units will consist of only 12 figures rather than the standard 20.

Once again I developed the uniform scheme from documents posted on the Carlist Wars yahoo group. The uniform basically follows the cut and design of the regular infantry, but with red piping rather than white. There are a couple of other differences: I did the turnbacks in full colour rather than turqui with red piping and the collars are also all red instead of turqui with red flashes at the front. As noted in an earlier post, I am painted my FCW units in pairs and therefore put this regiment in white trousers whilst the next provincial regiment is in grey trousers. The yellow motif on the turnbacks is supposed to be a fleur de lys.

While I'm finishing off the 17th Foot and some more Isabelinos I'm putting some thought to what I might paint in the final 4 weeks until Baby-Day. It should be AWI, I think, and the contenders are: Hessian musketeers, British line infantry, British light dragoons, British Saratoga artillery, Hessian grenadiers and the British Legion. If there is anything that readers would particularly like to see then please let me know, as I fear the blog is going to be somewhat desolate for a while as from early December....

12 figures. Painted September 2009. Flag by Adolfo Ramos.


  1. British Legion would be an excellent choice for posting.

  2. Great job on these... If you don't mind- what paints/colors did you use for the pants? White pants are always a little difficult but these look great.

  3. Thanks for the comments.

    Josiah, I use Foundry "Arctic Grey 33A" as the bascoat (recent pots of this paint I have bought are quite a bit lighter than the original colour) and then highlight with 2 Coat D'Arms colours, "Horse Tone Grey" and then "Tank Light Grey", before the final highlight of pure white.


  4. I would love to see Hessian Musketeers!

  5. My vote goes to the dragoons.

    Lovely work, as usual, Giles!

  6. Ahh, the Madrid militia. So that's what they're supposed to look like :) Excellent work!


  7. Looking good Giles as usual.The standard is very nice as well.


  8. I like the black lining on the cross belts. It really sharpens up the detail. I hadn't noticed that you did that on earlier figures. If it's something new, keep doing it!

    Well done as always Giles.


  9. Hello, congratulation for your great website: fantastic minis !

    As you have played with Black Powder rules, can you tell me if there a real list of carlist/isabelo army ? I'm affraid there's not and these rules don't interest me =/

    Thanks to answer me on my email adress:

    Best regards

  10. I like the Spanish uniforms. I have some Peninsula war, but now I moved to the South American Wars of Independence as they present a great deal as they have Napoleonic tactics with also colorful uniforms but the battles are a much shorter scale as they involve between 3.000 to 5.000 men each side

    Best Regards

  11. I had a question, but its already answered!
    I really like the white effect you get, thanks for explaining how to get there

  12. Are these the guys you painted using the new FOundry "cornflower blue" palette? If so, it's darker than it looks on screen and I would think is closer to Bavarians than I thought.

