Tuesday 8 September 2009

Rifle Brigade, British Auxiliary Legion (2)

I forgot to post pictures of the remaining BAL riflemen, which I painted back in June. I spotted them on a shelf when I was looking for a particular music CD! The Perry range has 3 riflemen packs, 1 command and 2 rank and file. The command pack contains the rather elegant officer featured here - perhaps Captain Costello himself. Whereas the first batch were painted largely in regulation uniform, this second batch have locally made trousers of various hues, including a couple of pairs of grey ones taken from the Isabelino infantry; I deliberately wanted a more "on campaign" look.

Perry Miniatures have just released some mouthwatering BAL goodies for this range - infantry running at trail, Scottish battalion command, Royal Artillery and a Royal Marines rocket detachment. Given that the artillery and Royal Marine units were drawn from the British regular armed forces, these figures could be used for other "colonial" conflicts in the 1830-40s. I'm currently finishing the last figures of my second BAL infantry battalion and have started on a unit of Isabelino provincial militia.

8 figures. Painted June 2009.


  1. It is getting very hard to resist this range. Top job as always Giles!


  2. I have question please.How do you get the background color to your pictures?I use a blue background,but I'm thinking of experimenting.

  3. Thanks, chaps.

    Christopher, the background is nothing more than my kitchen wall! It's a pale yellow colour, which I think is ok for photos - kind of lends a cloudy/hint of sunrise feel...maybe..I've occasionally thought of painting up a backdrop,but usually I try to obscrure the background as much as possible with trees, buildings, fences etc.

  4. Yes,then it's fortunate for you that your wall photographs so nicely.The impression it gives is exactly how you mentioned and it does give a period atmosphere to it.
    Just like you,I like to clutter up my background with scenes.
    However,if and when you decide to move you may find it difficult removing the wall and taking it with you,but a real modeler is seldom deterred!Another problem may happen if you come home and your wife decided she prefers white and surprises you!

  5. :^) Actually, we had it repainted last year and I did try to persuade her that blue was by far the best colour, to help with my photos...

  6. Giles in my opinion the color of your background works very well with your miniatures and sets it apart from the rest.The best way I'd describe it is it lends a sense of authenticity and I happen to like it very much.
    I work with a blue background because I use a photo box and it's the best color I have access to.Of course if your feeling generous you could ship me your wall for some practice runs.:-)

  7. I like the officer with the Pelise. Also the campaign hats look a lot like late Napoleonic Russian caps. Nicely painted as always.
