Sunday 22 February 2009

American Militia (6)

This is another unit of figures taken from the latest Perry "southern militia" packs, this time with a couple of negroes and uniformed ex-Continentals thrown in. I took the idea of blue faced green coats for the Continentals from this Don Troiani painting of a Virginia militiaman at Cowpens - it's hard to tell if the coat is a tattered uniform coat or just a civilian one. However, there are a couple of regiments which are thought to have had blue faced green coats at some point. One of those was the 10th North Carolina, so this unit nominally represents militia from that state.

I probably have almost enough militia now, although I'd like to add a couple of more "northern state"-looking units; hopefully Perry Miniatures will release some more figures for these at some point. In terms of militia numbers for the southern theatre, looking at the "British Grenadier!" scenario books I see that Guilford Courthouse requires 4 x 16 figure units and 2 x 18 figure units; Cowpens needs 3 x 20; Hobkirk's Hill, 1 x 18; Savannah, 1 unit each of 16, 18 and 24 figures; Spencer's Ordinary 2 x 20; Eutaw Springs, 2 x 12, 1 x 14 and 2 x 16; and Gloucester Point 4 x 20. So about 60 figures will suffice for most engagements. (I've left out Camden because it's an enormous scenario at the 1:10 figure ratio that appears in the first BG scenario book - you need 270 militia figures!). The skin tones on the "men of colour" were painted with the Foundry "Dusky Flesh" palette over a basecoat of Coat D'Arms "Negro". I find the final Foundry colour, "6C", too light on its own, so I mix it with the B colour as the final highlight.

18 figures. Painted January/February 2009. Flag by GMB.


  1. Congratulations, that is probably the best representation of black skin colouring I have ever seen. We have come a long way since a coat of humbrol gloss black with white eyes and scarlet lips was considered pretty sophisticated painting.

    I liked this months spread in Battlegames too. My own AWI figures are coming closer to being rescued from the loft.


  2. Absoluely spanking stuff Giles. Pleasure to see, thankyou.

  3. As always, the minis look fantastic.

    I believe that the militiaman in the blue coat with green facings is supposed to be an ex-Continental. Some histories of the battle of Cowpens have maintained that Major Francis Triplett's battalion of Virginians specifically contained many former continentals. This assertion has also been challenged.

    I'm in the midst of what is amounting to a book-length treatment of the battle of Cowpens, illustrated in part with 15mm miniatures. I have discussed Triplett's battalion so far in a number of different places.

  4. Excellent work. I like the mixed appearance, both in skin colours and dress. Sadly, I still have so many Americans unpainted that a purchase of those great Southern militamen just wouldn't make sense. ;)


  5. Another fine piece of work, Giles!


  6. Splendid work. I particularly like the addition of the African-American figures in the mix, both in quantity and the faces are done very nicely. I think you got the skin tones correct for the period. I wish I could worry about such minute details instead of just worrying about keeping the paint 'in the lines'.

    Inspired work. Thanks for sharing.
