Tuesday 4 November 2008

Blogger problems!

As readers will have seen from the previous post, there is something wrong with the Blogger images upload mechanism. No matter what instructions you feed into the window, the images just appear full size. I have tried uploading pics direct from my pc, but that is not an ideal solution because they go to mega-size when you click on them; I could resize them manually, I suppose, but it would take ages. Given that it seems that loads of other bloggers are experiencing the same problem, for the moment I will sit this out and hope that Blogger fix the problem shortly....

In the meantime, above is a mega-sized photo from last weekend's Long Island mega-sized game. I have posted various pics on the internet already; see here for some on the "British Grenadier!" forum. I have a battle report to post as soon as the images situation is resolved. The game was great fun, with hundreds of figures on the table and some surprising and exciting turns of events. It was very good to put some faces to names ("hi" to Simon, Pat, Clive, Dave and Paul) and everyone seemed to have a good time. Problems with Blogger and an excess of work have resulted in a backlog of posts on the units I painted up for Long Island - the Von Lossberg fusiliers, Hessian artillery, British light infantry and grenadiers (x 2) and more artillery are all waiting to be posted. I have also begun work on a box of Perry plastic Napoleonic infantry (like everyone else, I imagine), as a short break from AWI. Then I want to finish off the Saratoga British, do a couple more Hessian regiments, some northern militia and the 17th Light Dragoons.


  1. Looks fantastic! I am very depressed you are painting your box of Perry French too as you will know doubt get yours done in about two weeks whereas I will be lucky to get mine done by March!

  2. Zowweee... as our American friends are want to say.... bloody fantastic, and I'm green with envy!

  3. Absolutely mouth-watering!


  4. Once again I can feel myself being tempted to start the period. Fourth time lucky?

  5. Having seen some pictures on the BG forum, I can only add here another "WOW!". Are there still people doubting that full scale battles can be recreated in 28mm?

    In respect of your upload problems: I use a free program called Irfan View. There are simple tools for cropping and resizing which make live so much easier. No special skills needed! Pics should be resized at 50% to 70% before upload into the Blogger album. Normally, that will do.

