Sunday 12 October 2008

American Militia (5)

This unit has been "in development" for some weeks and was finally finished this afternoon. It uses the most recent Perry Miniatures Southern militia packs, particularly the "nervous militia" and second militia casualties packs. I painted most of the figures in August but did not finish the last two until the middle of September. Then I had trouble working out how to base them. I did think about having the retreating figures on single bases but I decided quite early on that I wanted to have a coherent unit that represented a collapsing militia firing line. In order to put some distance between the firing line and the retreating second rank, I based the figures on larger bases than the usual 36mm x 50mm. These bases keep the same forntage but the depth has increased to 70mm. This extra depth allowed me to build in some scenic features, such as logs, the odd tree trunk and a fence at the front. I had in mind a situation where the militia have taken up position at a a broken fence. The posts are glued onto the bases but the horizontal slats are (currently) loose, as they straddle the bases and so cannot be glued into place.

The idea for the flag came to me whilst driving in the Cotswolds some weeks ago. I was thinking about having a flag that said either "Piss on the British" or "Down with King George"; both are rather apocryphal but I'm sure variants existed somewhere during the war. I then thought it might be fun to combine the two slogans into something that said "Piss on King George"; I quite liked the idea of such an arrogant flag being carried by a militia unit that was beginning to run away and exercise the better part of valour. I finally got around to painting the flag this afternoon. The lettering is a bit wonky, although I suppose you could explain that away as being the result of a hastily made militia flag. Anyway, it makes a change from a rattlesnake flag. I'm pleased with the way this unit turned out, hence the large number of photos!

20 figures. Painted August/September 2008. Fence from Reboubt Enterprises.


  1. Replace that horrible flag - no one was encouraged to piss on anyone during the AWI! Warflag has a lot to answer for...

  2. Nice work, the unit has turned out well. I especially like the idea of the fence rail crossing two bases.

  3. Nice figures indeed - still a shame that despite whatever (undoubted) victories lie in their future, they will forever be depicted as running away... :o))

  4. Great unit diorama! The rout must have been percipitated by the death of the drummer boy. :^)


  5. Giles, Im more than happy to have refound your Blog link. Very nice!

  6. Like the way you've integrated the running chaps. But as the first Anonymous said, the flag spoils it a bit. Don't know why, but the joke doesn't work for me. Just a matter of personal taste. Keep them coming, anyway! Always a delight to check the RSS and see new posts on your blog.

  7. A lovely composition. It may have taken some time to get it looking right-but it was certainly worth the effort.
    All you need now is a Mel Gibson figure to turn the tide!

  8. Hi - The figures are superb and I actually quite like the flag (although my leanings are towards the Americans in this particular conflict).


  9. Amazing work - I particularly like the shading on the white shirt sleeves.

  10. Fantastic!

    The rail fence straddling two bases is truly inspired!

    As is your choice of flag...from the past and the present!

  11. The flag is bold... I was aghast.. rebel colonial I am ... I still respect the looney bratwurst eater. I have read that G3 was down to earth and a decent fellow all together.

  12. Fantastic Work, and great flag! (And I'm a Royalist!!)
    I'm just about to start my own 18th Century project, so this is all very inspiring. Cheers!

  13. Could you tell me what colours you've used for the militia?

