Tuesday 24 June 2008

No more posts for a while...

as I'm flying to New Zealand later today for a couple of weeks holiday. Well, I say holiday but in fact we have a very tight schedule of wedding matters to deal with, friends and family to visit and then finally a wedding in Christchurch to attend. Luckily we have 4 days in Marlborough to taste some wines and it looks as if I will be able to meet the Kapiti Fusiliers at some stage and some other wargaming chums. So the blog will be quiet for a couple of weeks, and I have kept a couple of things back so there will be some posts when I return in mid-July.

In the meantime, here are a couple of wip shots of my next unit - this is the first of my "hot weather" Continental regiments. The idea is to have a few battalions of troops in a mix of clothing and but particularly in shirt sleeves, waistcoats etc, for use in the summer 1777/78 battles. I haven't found a designation for this unit yet, or indeed chosen a flag. The figures are all Perry, and this unit shows how you can use the newish Southern militia figures as "undress" Continentals. I didn't quite manage to complete this regiment this month, as over the weekend I painted up the Perry American dragrope men instead of the command stand. Once this unit is finished I really ought to return to the Brits, but I'm quite enjoying painting Yanks at the moment and may well press on to a couple of Pennsylvania regiments that I have had my eye on for a while. Or perhaps some artillery limbers....


  1. Have a safe and happy trip!

    I look forward to your future postings.

    GregS (essayons7)

  2. Safe journey and enjoy.

    Maori wars as a new project when you return?

  3. Won't flying to NZ tire out your painting arms? Still, have fun.

  4. Are you paying over $5 / pack of cigs? I buy all my cigarettes over at Duty Free Depot and this saves me over 50% on cigs.
