Friday 18 January 2008

Current wip

I have reached another "basing hiatus" so thought I'd just post a pic of my latest regiment, the 3rd New Jersey (in their 1776 uniform). This 16-figure regiment was finished this evening, so hopefully will be based and photographed by the middle of next week. These are Foundry "uniformed militia" figures. Also finished are a couple more pieces for my American artillery train, the first of which (a limber) should be up on the blog by Sunday evening. I'm going to spend the weekend working on the new Perry 2-horse wagon and then start on some more militia next week. I want to clear my leadpile of Foundry militia figures prior to the release of the new Perry southern militia range (now up on their website in the "on the workbench" section).

Last week I took stock of my American forces, mainly because my collection's being photographed next weekend for a guest appearance in a hobby publication (more on that in due course). With the 3rd New Jersey I now have 24 Continental regiments and 6 of militia; those totals include 5 units of skirmishers (3 regular, 2 militia). The regulars break down into 1 regiment of 24 figures, 8 of 20 figures, 4 of 18 figures, 7 of 16 figures and 1 of 12 figures. That's not a bad little army, probably enough to do Monmouth but not Brandywine in its entirety. As I said a while ago, my approach with American infantry going forward is to paint up units that have colourful uniforms, provided there is sufficient historical justification for doing so, or which have interesting flags. On the list of further regiments to paint are 3rd Connecticut (brown faced red coats), 1st New Hampshire (green faced red coats), 8th Virginia (hunting shirts), Henley's Additional (scarlet faced light blue coats), 1st Pennsylvania (brown faced green coats) and perhaps some Carolinas regiments. Once those are finished I might call time on the Continental Army, subject to anything new that Perry or Eureka might come up with.

Something worth noting is a new 10mm AWI range from Pendraken. These are very well sculpted figures and the range looks as if it will be pretty comprehensive. Something I have always had at the back of my mind is a demo game of a battle like Bunker Hill or Guilford Courthouse at a 1:1 ratio in 6mm or 10mm. That would be very interesting to model. Check out the Pendraken range here.


  1. Your work is always inspiring Giles, that why I check this blog every day.
    Bunker Hill or Guildford Courthouse in 1;1 would be amazing, I'd love to see it done.

  2. Great stuff as ever. If you call time on the Continentals does this mean a new project may be looming on the horizon?


  3. A particularly nice looking group, this.

  4. Awesome stuff as always. Since time has been difficult to come by, I've yet to get to my Perry's. Your posts keep me inspired to do so once I'm done coaching this basketball season.

    I fear the temptation will be to throw the playoffs in favor of the gaming table. March will truly prove to be mad.

