Tuesday 3 July 2007

Stockbridge Indians

The Stockbridge tribe were Mahicans (or Mohicans), who lived in the lands south of Lake Champlain in the Hudson Valley. Conflict with the Iroquois Mohawks forced the Mahicans to move east to Connecticut and Massachusetts. This brought them into much closer contact with white settlers and European ways of life. Missionaries began to visit their villages and in 1734 a preacher called John Sergeant came to live with them. Four years later, Sergeant was given permission by the Mahican elders to start a mission village in Massachusetts. The village was named Stockbridge, and the natives who lived their came to be known as the Stockbridge Indians. The Stockbridges fought for the British in the French & Indian War, but for the Americans in the AWI (and then again in the War of 1812). In the mid-1780s the tribe moved to New Stockbridge near Oneida Lake and then again to Wisconsin in 1822. Today, the Stockbridge-Munsee tribe continue to live in east central Wisonsin.

This pack is one of the reasons why I like the Perry Miniatures AWI line - there was hardly any need for these figures to be made, but clearly the Perries thought "why not?" It's packs like this that make the Perry AWI range one of the finest miniatures ranges available, in any scale or period. As with my other indians, I have based these singly on 25mm x 25mm bases.

6 figures. Painted June 2007. The resin fence in the background is by Snapdragon Studios.


  1. You are right about the Perrys producing brilliant but obscure figs. Lets hope they start on some AWI French soon. so far as Im aware nobody makes them.

  2. Hi Christopher

    Front Rank make French, but they are different in style and proportion to the Perry figures. There is also the Foundry "French Revolutionary Wars" range which has early 1790s French which I think (I'm no expert) may be suitable. They are earlier Perry sculpts, so a bit smaller than the Perry AWI range generally.

    But yes, let's hope that Perry Miniatures get around to French at some stage - there's no hurry though, given the amount of stuff they are producing for us to collect!
