Monday 16 July 2007

British ammunition cart

This little gem was released by Perry Miniatures a couple of months ago. As with the limbers, it's a fun add-on to have floating around at the rear of one's army. The ammunition cart itself is not attached to the horse so I can deploy it on its own. I painted the woodwork in the same blue-grey colours as my British artillery. I have no authority for that, other than a picture in one of the Napoleonic Ospreys of a such a cart in the same colour as the guns. I don't know if this is valid for the AWI.

Work slowed me down considerably last week, but soon I should have the 21st Foot and Queen's Rangers artillery ready for photographing. I am currently working on a new American unit I have provisionally designated the 10th Virginia (Eureka's ragged Continental figures in grey coats with yellow facings) as well as more Perry artillery packs (Americans and Hessians). I took some shots of a couple of Old Glory Americans generals that I sneaked into the painting schedule at the end of June, but they didn't turn out well so I need to take some more. I also have some photos of Knyphausen's division at Brandywine, which I took on my new TSS terrain; I just need to work out how to turn these into a meaningful post. As always at this time of the month, I am eagerly awaiting the next issue of "Wargames Illustrated" to see what, if anything, the Perries are releasing for the AWI range next month (not much I suspect, as trailers indicate a blitz on the 40mm Napoleonic range). In fact, much as I love the mag generally, the Perries' ad is always the highlight!

Painted June 2007. Tree-trunk from Redoubt Miniatures. Fortifications in the background from Grand Manner.

1 comment:

  1. That's a nice grey horse, Giles. I find them the most difficult type to paint!
