Tuesday 31 July 2007

American artillery (2)

This is the Perry Miniatures pack of American gun crew in shirtsleeves. The set comes with a howitzer (I have remarked in an earlier post that I have yet to come across an AWI scenario which features an American howitzer; I now have two of them). I thought about painting the crew in the regulation issue white shirts, breeches and waistcoats, but having started out that way it all just seemed too....white. So I followed Dave Woodward's example on the Perry website and put the crew in buff breeches and waistcoats. There is authority for this in that (according to Mollo) Captain Lamb's artillery company, which was raised in New York in 1775, was clothed in a blue and buff uniform. That said, I imagine many gunners wore buff small clothes in any event, even with the "regulation" uniform. If you did paint these figures all in white, there's not really any reason why they shouldn't pass for a scruffier British crew.

On the painting front, July started well but I slowed down as work got the better of me. The tally for the month is: AWI - 30 figures and 5 pieces of artillery equipment; ECW - 6 figures (I have finally started on Newcastle's Whitecoats); Sudan - 16 tribesmen. That's 54 foot figures, which isn't bad I suppose, although Beja tribesmen don't really count. I will post pics of the ECW and Sudan figures when the units are completely finished, which probably won't be until the end of the month. The AWI target for August will be to finish the 10th Virginia, the 20th Foot, two Hessian guns and crews and possibly Glover's Marbleheaders, although August will be a busy month socially. All I have left to photo from July's efforts are two Hessian jaeger amusettes.
Painted July 2007.


  1. Giles, there were two howitzers in Forrest's Penn. Battery at Trenton.

  2. Giles: your painting productivity puts me to shame!

  3. Hi Giles,
    I have managed at long last to sort out this Google/Blogger thing.
    From now on I can contribute to giving you your well deserved feedback here and save you having to answer my questions independently. Thanks for your help in the past and keep up the good work.

  4. I love you Giles
