Tuesday 15 May 2007

10th Foot

The 10th Foot was raised in 1685 as the Earl of Bath's Regiment and became the 10th in 1751. The regiment was present at Marlborough's great victories at Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde and Malplaquet. It took no part in the Seven Years War, being posted instead to Gibraltar and Ireland. The regiment arrived in America in 1767 for garrison duty on the Great Lakes. It then moved to Boston in 1774 and elements of the regiment were engaged at Lexington and Concord the following year. The regiment went on to fight at Bunker Hill (the 10th's flank companies), New York, Brandywine and Monmouth. In 1782 the regiment took the county name of "North Lincolnshire".

This regiment was the second British unit I painted, after the Black Watch. I originally decided to use the Brandywine order of battle as a focus and started by building up James Grant's brigade from Knyphausen's division. For that campaign, the regiment was brigaded together with the 5th, 40th and 27th Regiments of Foot (some sources also include the 55th Foot). Given that Brandywine was fought in September 1777, I decided to use the Perry "campaign dress" figures of slouch hats and cut-down coats. All the regiments in the brigade are clothed this way other than the 40th Foot which I put in roundabouts, following the della Gatta paintings showing this regiment at Germantown. There is a recreated 10th Foot and I have added their informative website to the links section. The yellow facings here were painted with the Foundry "Ochre" palette, which I find gives a better effect that the more "lemony" yellows over a black undercoat.

16 figures. Painted August 2004. Flags by GMB.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the Royal Lincolnshire Regiment. My house is behind the old barracks where their museum is. I intend to recreate this unit for my AWI campaign!
