Sunday 25 March 2007

Back home...

and engaged! I proposed to my Kiwi girlfried Shelley whilst out in New Zealand and happily she said yes (the poor, deluded girl). The deed was done at Mission Estate winery, outside Napier in Hawke's Bay (North Island) and the wedding will take place in Hawke's Bay sometime in February/March 2009. It is all very exciting, although my idea of a painted miniature as a present for each wedding guest did not go down well. I'm still hoping that the wedding present list can be placed with Dave Thomas....

New Zealand is a beautiful place and we had a wonderful time. I managed to meet several wargaming colleagues, so many thanks to Valleyboy in Tauranga and to Peter Haldezos and the other Wellington wargamers for their marvellous hospitality. It is good to know that in the (quite likely) event that Shelley and I move to New Zealand at some stage there is a thriving wargames community. There is even a shop in Wellington that sells Perry figures....heaven. Attached is a picture of Shelley and me at the wedding which prompted our trip and at which Shelley was bridesmaid. Photos taken today for posting to the blog this week include British marines, American riflemen and Belgian cavalry.


  1. Welcome home Giles - and congrats on your engagement.


  2. Congratulations, and welcome back!


  3. Congratulations! What a lovely girl! Having a fiance like that and being able to paint as well as you do makes me very jealous!
