Sunday 18 February 2007

French ADCs

Last night I completed the "support staff" pack from the Perry 1815 range and the ADCs are shown above. It took some time to research the uniforms and decide upon who was going to be whom. From left to right, the four ADCs are: an officer of the Voltigeurs of the Imperial Guard; an ADC in the regulation uniform; an ADC in adapted light cavalry uniform (taken from the picture of Captain de Dreux-Nancre in the Osprey "Napoleon's Commanders 2"; a captain of the 5th Hussars. I'm not entirely sure about the shade of blue for the 5th Hussars character, which makes him looks as if he's about the play for England in a one-day international cricket match. These figures are all gloss varnished at present. I matt varnish figures once they are glued to their bases (before scatter and static grass etc are applied).

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