Wednesday 14 February 2007

52nd Foot

This is another regiment I painted up specifically for the battle of Bunker Hill in 1775. Many battles of the war involved British forces advancing against American defensive positions, so the bulk of my Brits are in advancing or charging poses. The latter can produce regiments that look a bit odd, as whilst Foundry and Perry make "charging" rank-and-file figures they do not make "charging" command figures - so one has to make do with "advancing" officers and drummers who do not look quite right. Here, the command stand is clearly advancing at a much slower pace than the hatmen (with perhaps the exception of the sergeant at the back right of the stand); you certainly can't play the fife whilst running! I suppose it doesn't really matter, but the effect is sufficiently noticeable for Alan Perry to have decided to make specific "charging" command packs for his Hessian figures.

The 52nd Foot is portrayed here in early war full dress (Foundry figures), less their backpacks which were usually left in the rear during battle. At Bunker Hill, Howe was initially confident of an easy victory and so ordered his troops to advance with their packs on so that they would be able to pursue the Americans once they routed without having to stop to collect their baggage. As heat, exhaustion and heavy casualties took they toll, Howe conceded that a heavy pursuit was unlikely and allowed the third wave to take their packs off; those troops eventually broke into the American redoubt on Breed's Hill. I should point out an error with the drummer's uniform: pursuant to the 1768 Royal Clothing Warrant, the breeches and waistcoats of drummers in regiments with buff facings should be red. Silly me...

Painted February 2005. 18 figures. Flags by GMB.

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